musing on all things yoga
“The communion of spiritual life and worldly life. Only if you understand your spiritual life, can actually live your worldly life quite beautifully.” A special guest and inspiration today is the one and only Arohini Narain, Chief HR and Strategy officer from Luchknow, India. But more than a successful business woman, Ruhi is a satsangee […]
“We have both always been searching for something that gave us purpose and meaning, to fill that whole and guidelines to live after.” Raw. Real. Totally Joyful. Richard Grønlie and Line Sortehaug made a huge impression on me when I met them earlier this year. They are a Norwegian married couple with three kids, they […]
“Being truly conscious requires stepping back from compulsions and attachments – a change in the operating system. And sometimes we need a helping hand for that. We can’t do it on our own, nor should we have to.” A Curious Yogi | Sadhana, Sobriety, and the Steps | For me, the healing, the coming […]
“Take that 7 minutes (meditation) a day. And nurture it like a little seedling and watch how it grows into the beautiful plant of oneness and watch how it oozes out into your life.” This weeks guest is Mayank in New Zealand, he is first and foremost a yogi and meditator. He teaches Somatics, Restorative […]
“The real beauty of yoga is about letting go, being flexible and seeing that there is infinite potential in every moment.” – R. Alexander Medin R. Alexander Medin | Expanded Gratitude & The Real | Today I’m joined by R. Alexander Medin, a certified Ashtanga Teacher and all around amazing human with an incredible […]
“A very very important practice that has to be included in our lives is to not believe our thoughts. Any thought that comes in and makes you unhappy be sure it is untrue.” – Shaarda Wow wow wow! This episode was so incredibly delightful to record and edit because it is packed to the brim […]
Here you can find all things yoga! Honour the true purpose of yoga and learn the traditional techniques to help you reach a state of ease and peace within.
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