bobbi paidel yoga
About Bobbi
I'm a curious yogi who went from a depressed addict to living in the Himalayas of India. From fashion stylist to charity founder and from cattle ranchers daughter to happy vegan. Anything is possible!
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A Curious Yogi Podcast

S2 EP01: Stewart Gilchrist | How to live by example and go beyond the fear of death?

a Curious Yogi

“The only way you can instil it in other people is by example”

Alright, here we go, season two of a Curious Yogi Podcast, starting with a banger conversation with teacher and friend Stewart Gilchrist, which we recorded in Rishikesh during the international yoga festival. Stew is a radical traditionalist truly living what he speaks as a yogi, an activist, a student and a teacher. 

Stew takes the conversation from conceptual knowledge to the lived experience of just how vast and ancient this human experience is – especially with yoga as a guiding lens.

Originally from Scotland, now based in East London, Stew is an experienced Yogi, teacher and political activist, holding an MA in Traditions of Yoga and Meditation and is a Ph.D. candidate in yoga-related research at SOAS University London. 

Coming Astanga Vinyasa Mysore practice initially to heal a back injury…which helped out his anger and addictions as well, Stewart’s sadhana led him toward an extensive yoga education with teachers from around the world who have had a profound effect on his style of teaching. He infuses his high energy and challenging teachings with yogic knowledge, as well as his unique charisma, politics and humour. He’s been teaching practitioners and teachers for well over 20 years and he’s had a deep impact on my own practice. 

I am so in awe of Stew’s brilliant ability to bring the student or listener beyond what they thought was possible – both physically and metaphysically. I’m forever appreciative of the sincerity and generosity at the heart of his radical traditionalist approach to teaching, practicing and living yoga. 

In his own words he says: “I stay true to my ontological anarchist faith. I serve the practitioners who study with me. I try to speak my mind without hurting people. I remember my teachers.”


06:30 ➖Ethics, morals and veganism

23:00 ➖Your sadhana as a living example

28:54  ➖Importance and difficulty of being discerning 

38:36  ➖Abhinivesh the fear of death

45:01 ➖Entheogenic plants and spiritual happenings

1:04:01 ➖Things are gonna go really, really wrong

Books Stew mentions: 

➖The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby

➖Pharmacophilia or The Natural Paradises by Jonathan Ott

➖Yoga in Modern India: The Body between Science and Philosophy by Joseph S. Alter

Find Stew here: 

I’m so delighted to be back working on this project, having inspiring and mind stretching conversations like this one. Wherever you are on your spiritual or yoga journey, there is a lot to contemplate from Stew’s wisdom. 

Thanks for listening, you beautiful soul! 

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💭 If you’d like to chat about the show, offer feedback or be a guest, please get in touch. 


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About Bobbi

I'm Bobbi, a very curious yogi! I’m also into exploring nature all around the world, creating epic vegan feasts, and apart from being on my yoga mat, I’m happiest when I’m disco dancing my way back to the 70’s!



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A Curious Yogi 

I’m really excited that you’ve made it here! So, what’s my mission? It’s to support you in uncovering your highest Self and living an expanded everyday life. It’s my mission because I spent 14 years as a lost, addicted, and depressed yogi. And, it wasn’t until I began to put tender, love and care into my daily personal practice, sadhana, that I began to unfold that state of bliss, which is Yog. 

I’m here as your guide, and your friend, to help you integrate hath yog, pranaayam, meditation & yogic wisdom into your daily life so you can blossom too. 

Hello, friends! I'm Bobbi.

And I'm a 

curious yogi.

And I'm a curious yogi

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