bobbi paidel yoga
About Bobbi
I'm a curious yogi who went from a depressed addict to living in the Himalayas of India. From fashion stylist to charity founder and from cattle ranchers daughter to happy vegan. Anything is possible!
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A Curious Yogi Podcast

S2 Finale with Vijay Shyam | What does it mean to surrender the ego to Guru or God?

a Curious Yogi

Today I’m joined live in Sainj Valley, Himachal Pradesh, with a wonderful teacher, satsangee and great human being who I’m honoured to call my friend – Vijay Shyam. Check out season 1 episode 5 for the first conversation we had on the podcast, where Vijay shares his stories and insights and his meeting with Baba Vivekanand almost 40 years ago. 

As Vijay and I adventured for a few days in the Himalayas, we had a special meeting with this very same Baba before we recorded this episode. As we discuss what we’re experiencing and understanding in our own sadhana, highlighted by the teachings of our shared Guru, Babaji, and other enlightened beings, I’ve clipped in some of our talk with Babaji from his little room at the temple.

Here are some of the major points we circle on: 

➖08:55 Place everything at the feet of Guru 

➖16:52 The world will keep pushing your buttons 

➖18:01 How to be like the trees meditating 

➖22:09 Grief of death and knowing unborn 

➖34:30 We are the eternal Being, not beings

➖42:35 Babaji and Zero-ness – just empty your thoughts 

➖49:29 Burning karm and don’t interfere with nature

➖55:42 Guidance is important – hold somebody’s hand to walk this road 

➖61: 50 Surrender everything, even Sattwa or goodness

➖1:08:10 Making any being less than God is a kind of violence 

Connect with Vijay Shyam at  

This delightful and deep conversation focuses on egolessness, surrender, death and living a truly illuminated life of oneness by knowing all as God, or Guru. This truly celebrates the highest knowledge, great company and another successful season of A Curious Yogi Podcast. 

So sit back, relax, and come to the Himalayas with Vijay and me. I look forward to seeing you next season. 

In oneness, 


Thanks for listening! 

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About Bobbi

I'm Bobbi, a very curious yogi! I’m also into exploring nature all around the world, creating epic vegan feasts, and apart from being on my yoga mat, I’m happiest when I’m disco dancing my way back to the 70’s!



Sadhana & Spirituality

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A Curious Yogi 

I’m really excited that you’ve made it here! So, what’s my mission? It’s to support you in uncovering your highest Self and living an expanded everyday life. It’s my mission because I spent 14 years as a lost, addicted, and depressed yogi. And, it wasn’t until I began to put tender, love and care into my daily personal practice, sadhana, that I began to unfold that state of bliss, which is Yog. 

I’m here as your guide, and your friend, to help you integrate hath yog, pranaayam, meditation & yogic wisdom into your daily life so you can blossom too. 

Hello, friends! I'm Bobbi.

And I'm a 

curious yogi.

And I'm a curious yogi

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