bobbi paidel yoga
About Bobbi
I'm a curious yogi who went from a depressed addict to living in the Himalayas of India. From fashion stylist to charity founder and from cattle ranchers daughter to happy vegan. Anything is possible!
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A Curious Yogi Podcast

S3 EP7 Shaarda | Never make yourself unhappy

a Curious Yogi

“A very very important practice that has to be included in our lives is to not believe our thoughts. Any thought that comes in and makes you unhappy be sure it is untrue.”

– Shaarda

Wow wow wow! This episode was so incredibly delightful to record and edit because it is packed to the brim with knowledge that is rooted in freedom and can be applied practically without any struggle. 

A jewel in my podcast treasure chest and a real privilege to introduce you to Shaarda, a Shashtri Scholar with a PhD in Vedant, a poet, a photographer, a lover of India, a fellow satsangee and a wise friend who showers us with knowledge in this conversation. ❤️

Shaardaji and I get right into a hard hitting satsang with total joy and tons of laughs. Here’s where we dig:

➖ 07:45 At the age of 12 seeing India in National Geographic and looking for a Guru 

➖ 10:01 The sense of coming home when meeting Swamiji

➖ 14:45 Scholarly mysticism for someone who wants to have direct experience of ultimate reality 

➖ 23:02 We need spiritual people and their company

➖ 26:57 Swamiji’s words on improving your own self and removing the qualities that make you unhappy 

28:44 “I had to eat it, I had to become it. First you have to be the witness self. Watch what state I’m in and be honest with myself. Sit down it’s cool.” 

➖ 36:31 How to attend the knower and remain as the watcher, the Sakshi

➖ 40:23 The weak position of “need” – rather know who you are

➖ 47:04 “Every single second is your sadhana. When you’re partying you attend the knower. Party as the knower. All these are moments of grace, a moment for you to live the truth. 

➖ 48:43 Swamiji: “The person who treats reality as a joke is liberated. And the person who treats a joke as reality leaves the room.”

➖ 49:49 Ask yourself What do you really want? You have to really want to be free

➖ 55:15 Swamiji “Freedom never begins with bondage”

➖ 56:57 “Our life is our experiment, no one can do it for you.”

59:31 “People need to not just read a book on swimming but jump in the beautiful vast ocean of meditation”


Trust me, dear curious yogi, this is one of the most charming and practical episodes for anyone who never wants to be unhappy. 

Sit down and relax with Shaarda and I. 

Thanks for listening! 

In Oneness,


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About Bobbi

I'm Bobbi, a very curious yogi! I’m also into exploring nature all around the world, creating epic vegan feasts, and apart from being on my yoga mat, I’m happiest when I’m disco dancing my way back to the 70’s!



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A Curious Yogi 

I’m really excited that you’ve made it here! So, what’s my mission? It’s to support you in uncovering your highest Self and living an expanded everyday life. It’s my mission because I spent 14 years as a lost, addicted, and depressed yogi. And, it wasn’t until I began to put tender, love and care into my daily personal practice, sadhana, that I began to unfold that state of bliss, which is Yog. 

I’m here as your guide, and your friend, to help you integrate hath yog, pranaayam, meditation & yogic wisdom into your daily life so you can blossom too. 

Hello, friends! I'm Bobbi.

And I'm a 

curious yogi.

And I'm a curious yogi

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